Tired of taking out payday loans or dipping into your bank overdrafts when you need some extra cash? Consider Drafty your new financial solution. With Drafty, you set a credit limit up to your approved amount, and draw cash up to that credit limit at any time. You’ll get the money transferred to your bank account in just minutes. Pay only for what you use, and save the rest as a safety net for later.
You can use the Drafty mobile app to:• Manage payments• Draw cash• Check your balance
Representative 89.7% APR
And unlike many payday loans and bank overdrafts – there are no fees! Drafty is a new way to get the money you need, without the hassle.
Using Drafty responsibly can help improve your credit over time – and save you money now. For instance, drawing £100 pounds for 28 days with Drafty will only cost you £5.04. Using an unarranged overdraft with RBS for the same amount would cost you more than 17 times as much at £90!*
Representative ExampleAnnual Interest Rate: 65.7% (Fixed) Total amount of credit: £1,200 Representative APR: 89.7% Total amount repayable: £1601.40
Have an idea for how we can improve our app? We’re always open to customer feedback. Send your suggestions to
[email protected].
Drafty is a credit line with a Representative 89.7% APR, and a maximum APR of 91.2%. If you draw £100 against your credit line at 89.7% it would be paid off in 3 months for a total of £109. There are no additional fees. There is no minimum repayment period and no maximum repayment period as long as you continue to repay the minimum payment amount. We don't offer fixed loans under 60 days.
*Accurate as of July 2016.